
[map lat=»40.79022″ long=»-73.95981″ content_bg=»rgb(255, 255, 255)» content_width__sm=»100″ position_x=»50″ position_x__sm=»0″ position_y=»50″ saturation=»-100″]


Add highly customisable Google Maps to any page.

[title style=»center» text=»Examples» margin_top=»14px»]


[col span=»6″ span__sm=»12″]


Enter street adress here. Or any other information you want.


[col span=»6″ span__sm=»12″]

[map controls=»true»]

Map With Tools


[col span=»6″ span__sm=»12″]

[map content_width__sm=»89″ color=»#6d5854″]

Use any color  for your map


[col span=»6″ span__sm=»12″]

[map content_width__sm=»86″ position_x=»5″ position_y=»5″ saturation=»-100″]

Enter street adress here. Or any other information you want.



[map height=»589px» height__sm=»747px» lat=»40.79022″ long=»-73.95981″ content_bg=»rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)» content_width__sm=»100″ position_x__sm=»100″ position_y=»10″ position_y__sm=»100″ saturation=»44″]

[title text=»A map with a Form» icon=»icon-envelop»]

(insert contact form here)
